The Cumulus Conference 2019 Pre-Event Extending Design Realities was held on Tuesday 28th of May at Metropolia Arabia campus. The event was organized by Augmented Urbans and Finnish Design Academy projects.
There were interesting keynote speeches by five professionals of the field; Gunita Kuļikovska (Architect, VR entrepreneur, Opinion Leader CEO, Vividly), Jarmo Suomisto (Project Manager, City of Helsinki, Architect, M.Sc. (Civ. Eng.)), Pedro Aibéo (Architect and Civil Engineer, Vis. Ass. Professor & Researcher, founder, CEO), Stephan Barthel (Associate Professor, University of Gävle) and Lauri Lemmenlehti
(CEO, Plehat, Landscape Architect). These speeches led to good discussions.
The energy levels of the guests were taken care by special coffees made by the event’s barista. A fresh salad lunch was served after the keynotes at restaurant Luova. After that the visitors got to go on campus tours to see for example the workshops of Metropolia’s design students, and to hear about the studies. The tours ended to Helsinki XR Center open house, where it was possible to test different extended reality demos.
You can go watch and listen the keynote speeches here.
Here is some pictures from the event:
Photos: Eerika Minkkinen