Studia Generalia | Katarina Wetter-Edman

29.9.2020 klo 15–16
Service design: principles and practices for private, public and policy value creation.

Dr. Katarina Wetter-Edman (eng)

PhD in Design and MFA in Industrial Design, HDK-School of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg University

Katarina will present a brief background of the emergence of Service design, the principles underpinning service design practice through practical examples from private and public sector.

Dr. Katarina Wetter-Edman is Design researcher at Örebro University, Sweden. She has 10 years practical experience in service design, industrial design and design management. Her research focuses on articulation of the emerging field of design for service including service design practice. More specifically she is interested in the potential contribution of design practice and user involvement through design, and how the specific design competence may be formulated through a pragmatist understanding of inquiry and aesthetic knowledge. She has an increasing interest for the role of service design in the public sector. She has among other worked at Government Offices of Sweden and Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm. Her reserach is published in both design and service research journals and conferences.

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Sami Kauppinen,