
Studia Generalia | Josina Vink

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This lecture will challenge some of the existing assumptions about service design and present an alternative understanding of service design called “service ecosystem design”. With examples from the context of healthcare, this talk will bring to life a more systemic approach to service design that can help to support long-term change.


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Reuniting despite of exceptional times! REUNION orrganised in the Oactober 6th is an open event considering the future of design education and collaboration between the Finnish design schools.

Virtual exhibition creates new possibilities

Virtual exhibitions are now created one after another. Although virtual form is the only possible way to arrange an exhibition at the moment, the outcomes are something new and innovative. This happened also at the Finnish Design Academy.

Design degree shows under corona

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At the university level schools, spring is a golden time for theses. Tranditionally design schools has organised exhibitions presenting the great works of graduating students. Because of these exceptional times the exhibitions are needed to cancel or organise differently. In this article we are going to collect all the virtual design thesis exhibitions around Finland.

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Prepare for the Spring Forum

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Spring Forum 2020 is a two-days event for design students where the aim is to consider the meaning of designers for the future and how designers are able to create a meaningful future. Due to this exceptional time the event will be arranged in a new kind of virtual hub space called Design Space.

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